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Mental HealthThought


My mother today said me that I should go to the terrace and jump from there and die. She said this bcoz I saw an episode for only 55 min ( which she thinks is a lot of time and thatt I have wasted it. But I had studied the whole day before watching it. ) This isn’t the first time she has said so. She has said it multiple times in diff forms like instead of having a daughter like u I was happy without a one. Does she really mean it or is it my fault that even after studying whole day m not allowed to watch a 55 min ep. Am I that bad?

17 replies

No, your not bad. In fact, your awesome. I praise you for studying a whole day. I cant do an hour 😂.
Anyways, just realize that some people cant be sure of themselves and thats why they lash out. She may say that stuff and hopefully doesnt mean it, but one way or another know that other people care for you. I care for you. Your worth it.

If you want to talk im down. Just for someone to help with your problems.
Bye bye epic person.


So u say that I shldnt take her wrds srsly? And think it from the other perspective that she cares for me? But then why doesn’t she let me live according to my own terms. Ik how to manage time. I’m big enough. She can’t hold the reins of my life. This is the point where I have to start to be independent. Isn’t it?

Jack @jackschaner

Im saying you shouldnt take what she says to heart. Im sorry she says these terrible things to you, but dont let them drag you down. Its hard to look on the bright side of these things, I know, but you cant let her stop you. I have no idea what its like to have your problems, but if you want things to change, then you will have to make it happen. Its totally your choice if you want to do this but I recomend confronting your mom on what you want to happen. Now based off of what I heard about her, she wont change anything. But I suggest trying.
I hope things get brighter and better for you.


if I talk to her will she listen to me and understand what am trying to say? Shall I give it a chance then?

Jack @jackschaner

Try and be as open as possible and let you know how you feel. Understanding both perspectives is key.


But I think she never tries to understand my perspective. Even if it’s her fault she never says sorry n I’m the first one to go to her. That doesn’t work. A relation between a mother and daughter needs to be like two bffs. But it isn’t like that.

Jack @jackschaner

Im sorry. I cant understand what youve been through-I prob cant give any good advice. wishing you the very best.


Np. Still glad u came up☺


i feel for but both of my parents are doing it just know that maybe if you talk with them ( like i did ) or just leave a note for them so they know how you feel maybe it can brighten the situation and by the way never take that seriously you are probably a beautiful and smart person no matter who says something like that always remember what you truly are


Thanks🙂☺ ok m gonna try this. Gonna tell u how it goes.


My mom used to do that a lot (she still does it, but comparatively less by 5%). It’s just her worries making her say it. The best way is you talk it out with her patiently or study in front of her, say her every time you sit for studies like, “Mom I will be sitting for studying probably do some maths” (just an example)
I tend to say my mom my routine to let her know that I wasn’t daydreaming in between and I have these many topics to cover-up. I discuss my studies with her making her realize I do take it importantly. These little things will make it better, not at once but yes it will.
If your mom says you that what’s the use of saying when you don’t study don’t lose it and continue, show her what you did and all. It will make progress.


Ahh thts what I was wondering to do. To specially show her that m studying n after that tell her that m going to watch some series or stuff. So she is not able to blame me that I don’t study


Please realize it’s not YOU. Your mother needs some mental help because these are not things a mother says to her children. She loves you. But she needs help.

Don’t internalize HER pain that she is indirectly giving to you, her daughter.

Some people are affected greatly and in many different ways by trauma in their life. Some desperately need professional counseling. If she doesn’t get the help, then please, YOU get some help in order to deal with this and/or get you out of the house until she starts treatment. There is NOTHING wrong with you.

Lastly, please look at the twisted “logic” she gives, and her crazy explanations as to why you should jump off the terrace and die. There is no logic…it’s crazy!!
She is traumatized or suffering with some mental issues and needs help. Do not think there is ANYTHING wrong with you, okay?
God Bless,


Well I’ll not deny that she has been through such incidences that were not favourable and that life has been cruel to her but that doesn’t mean she will take out her frustration on me!!..
BTW thanks jenine☺👍


So said 😟


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