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My mother is a very toxic person. She intentionally compares me with my good friend. Mother said that my friend studies more than me and is extremely talented even though we almost score the same marks. I am working my ass off for this degree

Profile picture for Now&Me member @mooninwonderland108
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Thank you so much. This put a smile on face.

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Same. When you grew up in an Asian household you will think that “comparing” is just normal. It is just for your future growth anyway. But when you grow up it doesn’t feel right anymore. It takes out the meaning of “everyone is unique”. Especially when you know, yourself, that whom they are comparing you with is an impossible opponent. She is a damn standard, a damn genius, a damn perfect bitch. And here you are a potato who is having trouble with studies. But yeah, comparison is never alright. I’m here at the moment in this site letting out all my emotions that I cant let out.

So, for you who is anonymous. I hope that when your mom compares you. YOU who is a RARE GEM, a person who is a unique ass person, a person who is on top of his/her own world. Won’t feel degraded 'cause I know that whoever you are being compared has nothing against you.

And a tip if you feel like all the comparison is all too much of a pain and of course it is. This is what I do: Drink maybe hot or cold drinks (not with alcohol) trust me. It goes bad when you drink alcohol with a heavy mind and heart. It happens all the time with me. And cry it out and listen to a feel good song (Zero o’clock by. BTS is what I listen to). It is alright to cry, love. Your uniqueness is what makes you well you. If others degrade don’t I mean never degrade yourself. We have a lot of people to hold on to in this harsh world and one of those people are our selves. So let’s keep on going and always remember that we are strong and unique person.


Thankyou. I did exactly how you said and i feel so good.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @mooninwonderland108

you should tell her how you feel and that really hurts your feelings (if it does) Instead show her. Write it in your diary how you feel and describe it. Leave that around where she would see it. I hope this works because it does for me. Good luck!


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