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Shachi Bhat @bshachi99

My moms is a patient and is always sick. I am trying to qualify as a CA but the family condition does allow to focus on my studies and myself. Everytime when the exams are near my mom falls severely sick and I have to keep mybooks aside to take care of her. Its been 13 years now that this is happening. Its become frustrating now. Nowadays i feel like i should stop looking after my mom and family and take care of myself and my career. Is this behaviour being selfish?

Profile picture for Now&Me member @dran89
Profile picture for Now&Me member @kskarthik
5 replies

No dear, long standing demands on your effort can be really daunting. And there comes a point when the tide does change it doesn’t make you bad, rather you a human. Try seeking help it can be real tough. As a terminal patient myself I know the difficulties. If you need to talk mor ping any moment. WiseByReading

Shachi Bhat @bshachi99

There is no scope of help. I am the only child and my father is the only earning member which makes him busy already… Due to the family condition my dad has also aged before time… It hurts to look at him tired and liveless all the time… It doesn’t seem right to ask for help from him though he tries his best to help me out.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @kskarthik

Swotter @kskarthik

See even if costs some money get a servent. Borrow if need be give yourself some space and prepare hard. Your time and effort are far more than the money. You can find some sources to return it but first finish your studies. Which is the most important thing. Hope this helps.if you want to talk more ping me, will be glad to.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @dran89

TeeJay @dran89

Have you tried enlisting extra help around your exam times? They might help take a significant load off of you.
And no, its not being selfish. As a guy with a CA as a friend, I have seen the amount of slogging you guys do for your exams. And it becomes daunting and frustrating. And then comes this added responsibility. Its okay to feel like how you are feeling.

Shachi Bhat @bshachi99

There is no scope of help. I am the only child and my father is the only earning member which makes him busy already… Due to the family condition my dad has also aged before time… It hurts to look at him tired and liveless all the time… It doesn’t seem right to ask for help from him though he tries his best to help me out.


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