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My heart feels so heavy today. Maybe bcos it has started accepting the fact that he can never be mine and that I can never make him have feelings for. It’s so hard. After 2 fuking years he was the first guy that I was genuinely interested in and it turns out be like this. Sometimes I wish I didn’t feel things they way I do.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @miss_shukla
7 replies

What happened? Misunderstanding or dumped for someone else


First of we were not dating. I liked him and I believed he did too. And now suddenly he has started ignoring me . Maybe got bored of me like everybody else


Most worse feeling ever
Show up to him and ask directly what is the reason behind the ignorance

kd @kdd

Yeah, and why are you even interested in someone who doesn’t see your value and plays these stupid mind games with you? You deserve a healthy and loving relationship. Invest your time and energy in someone who reciprocates your efforts. Inconsistency is never a good sign. Choose wisely.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @miss_shukla

Priya @miss_shukla

Accepting things like these are really hard. Take your time and just know that it’s never your fault if something wrong happens to you and just keep patience 💖nobody knows what’s waiting for them.




I have been in the same situation. It’s okay you have to move on. You will eventually get someone who is actually ment for you. Remember Your self worth Is more important than anything.


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