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My Father is always support my elder sister
my father support her but he will not support me because of my father I and my sister have many fights this started before 6 months In corona lockdown I was stressed I had no friends my only friend who is my best friend for 3 years talking behind my back I can’t believe that from that time I lost hope in trusting people’s (friends)I didn’t share anything to anyone because of my fear (if she also talk behind my back means) I am depressed and also my study stress (public exam) I talked to wall and bath room tiles which is non living thing I didn’t trust anyone my sister tells bad about me to my father which I didn’t have done
So my father hated me till now he is not talking to me I am not talking to him it’s soo painful I don’t have guts to share my feelings to others
It’s like carrying a 4 years garbage in my brain
And also I am doing higher studies I should focus onthat also my family wont understand my feelings ever,…

1 reply

Ik it’s hard to deal with all this even in mah situation it’s the same probably we know family and friends are important but you should really focus on yourself all other things then doesn’t matter when you look after yourself and the other thing you should really open up all this things to do someone you are being real you ❤️🙌🏻


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