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Self LoveThought

If you or somebody you know is currently struggling, please take deep breaths and reach out to somebody. Here are few resources that may help.

My brother told me he was helpless last week. Today, he attempted suicide. I told him yesterday, “You are loved. Those dummies at school have nothing on you, Atlas!”

Worst of all, he’s my twin. How the frick do you tell your twin brother that you love him if he doesn’t believe it?
He’s in the hospital. He overdosed. I sang Brother by MCR to him and held his hand. He’s in a coma right now and I want him to be okay.

My little sister, she can’t stop crying. My big brother, he hasn’t said a word. My mom drank in the morning, which she never does.

I need reassurance. What happens if he dies? What happens if I have to say goodbye for the last time? What happens if half of me just disappears?

(The tag isn’t right, it’s the only one I could do.)

Profile picture for Now&Me member @johnthejohn
Profile picture for Now&Me member @st1199
11 replies

i am so sorry. as someone who often thinks about suicide sometimes its hard to prove people care to someone whos hurting. i feel as if nobody truly cares about me even tho i know they do. your brother is lost right now, hes broken, if you believe in god maybe try and pray. pray for him to heal, mentally and physically. tell him how much you love him but do not be mad at him. if he wakes up tell him you need him and you will be there no matter what. im sure its different dealing with a twin, like losing a part of yourself. pray. ill pray for him and your family. i hope everything is okay. and no matter what happens you will get thru this. you got this!!❤️❤️


Thank you so much. My little sister says thank you too. Also, don’t be suicidal. It’s terrible for you.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @johnthejohn

Ana Banach @johnthejohn

Dear Anonymous,
You are a shining star in the sky. Your brother seems to be too. He just needed a little polish, so he went for a break.

Best of luck.


Oh god this comment made me bawl he is supposed to be out for weeks and do to this dumb virus i cant stay near him sorry im forgetting grammar and stuff im just scared as heck.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @johnthejohn

Ana Banach @johnthejohn

Dear Anonymous,
You responded quickly! Okay, well, here’s the thing: if he sleeps for a long time, he’ll be okay. Would you rather him die or be out for a while?

Best of luck!

Profile picture for Now&Me member @st1199

Simran @st1199

You just need to be with your brother right now! That is the only thing he wants. His family and his Twin Brother besides him.

When you want something for real from the inside, God is there to protect that and he’ll not let this happen. Right? Have hope and faith in him.

You all will overcome this soon and I am here for you. You all will get out of this :)
Do let us know, when he recovers!


I will. Also, I’m a girl, but that’s okay. My little sister isn’t crying anymore, but this is intense for me.

Thank you all for the support 💕

Profile picture for Now&Me member @st1199

Simran @st1199

Oops, I am sorry!
Take care of everyone. You got this. :)


Thank you so much.


He woke up. My brother woke up. I’m sorry about the Hunger Games thing, but oh my God, he woke up! The doctor thought he woke up a little early, but he’s okay. He has trouble talking, so far the only thing he said was, “I saw a light. Why did it go?” We’ve been holding hands for the past six hours. I get to skip school today and the hospital is graceful enough to let me stay.
Thanks for all of your support.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @johnthejohn

Ana Banach @johnthejohn

That’s wonderful! Give him our best wishes!


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