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My boyfriend said no one will be able to handle you the way I do. He said for a short term they definitely will but in a long run they won’t. My parents also say that if I don’t change my nature, no one will stay with me. I know I need to change my nature. But does that make it right for my boyfriend to say this? What if he is right?

Profile picture for Now&Me member @thesadblackunicorn
7 replies

He could be, but that doesn’t mean he has the right to hurt you by saying that. And punching you down.


Jise rehna hota hai wo kese v rehta hai chahe kuch v hojaye jise nhi rehna hai Kitna v kosis karlo wo ni rahega
So don’t change yourself change with that person with others

Profile picture for Now&Me member @thesadblackunicorn

Hey honey, if YOU think that you need to change your nature then you should do that but nobody else gets to bash about it to you like that. You deserve the best for yourself, if they can’t handle you then leave them be. You don’t need toxic people in your life. There will definitely be someone you can prioritize you and love you the way you deserve!!!

nothing prolly @idc

hey bud, if you think he’s right, then maybe you should change it cuz it’s for your betterment but of course he didn’t have to be rude to you.


If you think you should change your nature then do it for yourself. Not because someone including your parents think so. This world dupes us in believing things that they want to see or hear. But that doesn’t mean they are right. If you feel you are not doing wrong, stay with it. And same goes with your nature.


Hey, How are you doing now? and How is life in large?


I think I’m good. Thank you for checking in.


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