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Bani Singh @banisinghvasir

My body type is lean, so I have a thin-ish frame and while I used to play tennis and dance, I haven’t been exercising for some time now. And people ask me how I’m thin without working out and I find myself getting scared to put on weight because I was slightly chubby back in middle school. I am scared for my health because I feel some amount of exercise in a day is necessary to maintain fitness and build immunity and it’s just annoying how people equate being thin with being fit.

6 replies

You’re absolutely right and I would always urge you to include some sort of fitness in your lifestyle :)

Sejal Sharma @sejalsharma

I completely understand because I am thin too. Some say that I am fit and others say I am malnourished. People will have their own perspectives no matter whether you are fat,thin,lean,etc. You do what’s best for you because only you know about yourself more than others.


I get it

No one 111 @jarul

You could do like 30 mins of light excercise if you’re really paranoid.

Avni @avni

Are you scared because of your body type, and the effects of exercise on it or because the backhanded comments that make you feel apprehensive about being a chubby girl. Remember, a thin or chubby frame is just that, a body type. You dont have to do anything if you feel healthy. Focus on holistic health.

Jahnvi Kumar @jahnvikumar

You can exercise if you really want to workout for yourself not because you are expected to maintain your frame. Yes some amount of exercise in a day is healthy and necessary but no amount of judgement is. Just do what makes you happy and try not letting other people’s opinions affect you.


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