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If you or somebody you know is currently struggling, please take deep breaths and reach out to somebody. Here are few resources that may help.
Profile picture for Now&Me member @niharika_sharma

Niharika S. @niharika_shar...

Mental Abuse Isn’t Just Screaming At Someone And Insulting Them It’s Also…

1. Invalidating your emotions.
2. Making you have to constantly “prove” yourself.
3. Micromanaging / being overly controlling.
4. Belittling your achievements.
5. Gaslighting you.
6. Shaming and embarrassing you in public.
7. Withholding love and affection as a way of controlling your behaviour.
8. Making you feel responsible for their emotions.
9. Using you for their own gain.
10. Second guessing everything you do and making you doubt yourself.
11. Mocking your interests and perspective on things.
12. Eroding your boundaries and pressuring you into things you don’t want to do.
13. Blaming you for things that aren’t your fault.
14. Giving you the silent treatment.
15. Manipulating you to do / be what they want rather than what you want.

Mental abuse is a big contributing factor to developing mental health issues.
Please be kind.

1 reply

This happens with me. In my family and with relatives also. I feel so low with my certain relatives. I am total opposite in my friend and career circle. Confidant, reliable. But in relatives I can’t be myself I feel less confident. They don’t even respect me. Or not taking me seriously. It feels like imposter syndrome. I want to tell them that I am not like this. I am so much capable but I can’t tell all this to relatives.


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