Sharing Our Innermost Thoughts

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3am ThoughtsThought


Man crying sure feels good, well, for a person who can’t/doesn’t cry, at least. I missed it so much. I really need some sorta fiction to break my heart and soul and force those tears to come out every now and then. Being broken and then healing from the pain feels good. Actually, it’s feeling that feels good. Being able to feel something, anything. And sadness and pain is easier to feel imo. So hae, feels good to have emotions every now and then I guess.

8 replies

I’m addicted to sad songs. I swear I’m fine and then I put on sad music and wonder if I’m spiraling. Crying is amazing but when you do it for multiple days or weeks in a row you start to question your own happiness. It’s hard talking to therapists when I don’t even know how I really feel


:c hang in there mate. We’re rooting for you!


Thank you🥺


Hug someone, hug your mom.


We never hug so that’s not doable ;-;


Any close friend. Try to hug your mom that a best feeling


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