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happyhansa @hansa

Life is beautiful till the time you consider it to be so. There’s always something good in every bad thing. It’s the right perspective that is missing.
So put your positive pants on and rock the world!

Profile picture for Now&Me member @sdfgh
3 replies
Profile picture for Now&Me member @sdfgh

Yes truee but struggling to keep the optimism alive when there’s nothing positive happening there seems no light at the end of the tunnel🥺

happyhansa @hansa

I know and I completely understand that but to actually keep the optimism alive we need to look at the small small things that can give us happiness. For example I get very happy when someone cooks my favourite meal or compliments my work or just gets me an ice cream:)

Profile picture for Now&Me member @sdfgh

Yes a change in perspective will work good.


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