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Coming OutThought


LGBTQ people! Where you at ?

I wanna come out but am not so sure. I am 17 and am GAY.

7 replies

A.K. @akpsych

Sameeee am 17 and lesbian!!

quantricon @quantricon

M 18 n gay. Should we connect??

A.K. @akpsych


A.K. @akpsych

You should only come out if ‘you’ feel comfortable …
Like first your friends, or sibling or maybe parents or any one you know who is not homophobic.
How to know someone is homophobic? Try to (slowly) talk bout lgbt things… like at first only mentioning here and there to know if they know about it and how they react bout it…
Don’t just surprise everyone like “hey I’m gay”
Everyone react differently and it matters to if they know what’s LGBT or not


Why boring and straight ??
U could simply wrote straight…

quantricon @quantricon



if your comfortable you can dont push yourself too much i beileve that all sexualities are equal and coming out is your decision.
all the best dude.


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