Sharing Our Innermost Thoughts

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Mental HealthThought


Lately id been feeling so sad,even if i dont know my i am sad. Its just sometimes i feel that my heart and brain is full of pain. I feel like anytime id blow up. I dont know, i feel empty!

Profile picture for Now&Me member @youareimportant
Profile picture for Now&Me member @pawanism
6 replies
Profile picture for Now&Me member @youareimportant

Amrinderpreet @youareimportant

Hey, you must be having a lot going in your mind that is making you feel this way. I assure you that you can bring it out here and people are here to help you. Its really important for us to share our emotions and feeling to the ones that we can rely on. And if there is no one like that, its ok. Write it down in a diary and make it work from there. You will feel a lot better after sharing stuff for sure.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @pawanism

Pawan kumar @pawanism

Hey there,
Just sit back and relax for a bit time.
You are just little bit under of overthinking .
Did you faced any incident lastly such as after seeing that you felt too deep or emotional??
Can you remind that,if yes then share it here ,hope you feel free after doing this.
“Have a cute smile to your face”


i could agree with you so much right now in tbis part of my life i feel emotinaly tired and i dont know why i feel its from how my parents have bin acting latley sometime i feel like no one cares but what i like to do is when ever im feeling like this i get a journal a book or anything and just write how i feel i wish you the best of luck

i hope you are gonna be good and your life is a lot smoother now

Profile picture for Now&Me member @pawanism

Pawan kumar @pawanism

Wanna see u on Instagram…Can you?


sorry i would like to stay anonymous

Profile picture for Now&Me member @pawanism

Pawan kumar @pawanism

Not mentioned
Have a sweet life


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