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Mental WellbeingThought


Lately I have just have lost tge ability to talk to people its like I can’t talk to anyone for more than 2 mins, I used to be that person who could be on in on for hours together but idk whats wrong with me

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No I had my break up like months ago and nothing has happened lately
I have just started to feel low and weird like its even happening that i am forgetting a lot of my memories

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Thats soo true but the fact that I lost my last ray of hope my best friend hurts coz over the years I lost all the imp people frm my life , they left me just like that…

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Thank you but…no thanks

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ya that one thing is not coming to me
I am a writer and i really cant remember when i used my books or a pen😑

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Hmmm maybe ill do that

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First off, you are not alone.

Maybe answering some of these questions will help us figure this out together:

- Do you not feel like talking to people anymore or you don’t know what to talk about?
- Have the people around you changed over time?
- What else is going on in your life that could make you feel this way? Any major changes or events?


I want to talk to people but don’t know what to talk
Yes , some are fairly new and some I have known
Idk losing some close people…maybe


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