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If you or somebody you know is currently struggling, please take deep breaths and reach out to somebody. Here are few resources that may help.

Lately I have been having a lot of anxiety and stress. My whole life I grew up with people not validating me. Being molested at an early age and not understanding what was wrong still bothers me. Not being heard as a young child and being blamed for my sexualized behavior made me feel like the problem. Growing up in an abusive household having to flee with our mom just to come back sucked. As a teenager I was taken advantage of by a guy who was 5 years older than me while other people heard it happening and didn’t do anything. I feel like such a broken person. Every relationship I have ever had has been either physically or mentally abusive. I am having a very hard time finding help because I have trust issues.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @silent_guy123
10 replies
Profile picture for Now&Me member @silent_guy123

Silent eyes @silent_guy123


That’s just sad to hear

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Profile picture for Now&Me member @silent_guy123

Silent eyes @silent_guy123


Yeah it must have been difficult time fro you

Nat N @ihatepeople101


I’m so sorry about this. I hope you’re ok. I was molested at a young age too and didn’t know I was being molested until later on because my parents didn’t teach me anything. You did not deserve anything that happened to you. Again, I hope you’re okay and stay strong.

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Everybody is very selfish. Nobody supports in that phase including our family.
Being a girl i have faced all these things and nobody supported me.

We can’t expect anything from anyone.
Everybody will come and listen but they won’t help us.

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