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Lately I feel really anxious due to the fact that I have exams coming up in college. I have a lot of parental pressure to be succesful even though I choose this field of psychology to free myself from my demons. Not to have more pressure to be successful and be the certain kind of psychologist that my Dad wants me to be. It’s very hard. My anxiety has led me to procrastinate over and over again and I find myself bundled up with so much anxiety that I just waste my day unable to do anything. It all started as a spiral from feeling overwhelmed due to course work and online classes with having to stare at my phone and feeling so overwlemed by my hectic schedule. i kept on procrastinating and it feels like now i’m paying for it as I’m so overburdened that I don’t even know where to really start

3 replies

Hey hey hey! It’s okay for you to feel like this, I understand what place you’re coming from because I’ve been there too, it sucks I know. Do you want to talk about it? I’m here for you :)


Thank you. That’s so sweet of you.

Everything feels really anxious, like it’s progressively building up and getting worse. I feel like it’s getting to a point where it’s really getting out of hand, where I can’t stop and take a breather. Like I just keep spiraling in more and more.


I totally feel your situation, it’s an indefinite loop because you’re not able to work since your mental health sucks, and your mental health gets worse because you’re not able to work.
I believe the only way out of it is introspection, contemplation and planning.
You can connect with me if you want to talk, we can get out of it together :)


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