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Lately i feel like im subcontiously mixing my desire for a romantic partner with my friend group.
Some backround, im a 20yo straight guy throughout my life i can only remember having crushes on women. Also my current friend group is only guys.
Out of my friend group 1 person has been really supportive to me when i wasnt in a very good spot. I talk to these people every day and we mainly talk over a mostly voice based platform like discord. And the problem is that sometimes i catch myself feeling possesive over that one person and expecting affection from him. I have thought about my sexuality but i dont really ties in here, i think it mostly is the lack of physical interaction and affection that has come to a lot of people with the pandemic. I really feel like sometimes even if i try to think it through using logic my emotional brains picks up and makes me feel sad and extremely lonely.
Thanks for reading, if you have anything to say please, by all means

Profile picture for Now&Me member @bluciiferr
1 reply
Profile picture for Now&Me member @bluciiferr

Aryan @bluciiferr


Try to do what exictes you and go for it ,you only lives one’s


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