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hii @annongirly

just looking for someone to vent/talk to or to relate to (17 yr old girl going through an anorexia relapse)

7 replies

Im here ! You can vent out

hii @annongirly

thank youu, basically i’m in a friend group of 6 years and we’re all close and love each other so much, but 3 years ago i had a friend outside of the group and we got really close and it was at the peak of my eating disorder so i had vented to her and trusted her only and only told her this stuff, now 3 years later last week she felt the need to spread it around the school that “____ had an eating disorder” and i’ve become the talk of the school, it’s so triggering because in my mind i’m seeing it like oh she must think i’ve gained it all back since she’s speaking about it in old news, i don’t even know but it’s triggered me so much & the past week has been so rough as i can feel myself slowly slipping


Wish you a speedy recovery


Anorexia relapse!?
What’s that!?

hii @annongirly

like i had thought i recovered from my eating disorder 1 year ago but it’s all came back


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