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I’ve just found out the only reason he ever was in a relashonship with me was to use me for my body. I feel so disgusting and used, I feel like I don’t deserve love, he told everyone and all of our mutual friends. I was allready struggling to get over him and I feel like I’m back at square one wondering if our whole relashonship was a lie. I miss him so much but now I feel like I shouldn’t and I should be able to be over him now. But the truth is even after everything that came out about him after we ended it doesn’t matter because I still have so much love for him. And I can’t turn to everyone because they don’t understand where I’m coming from, because only I know that he was a good person.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @kunalk23
Profile picture for Now&Me member @finest_energy
7 replies
Profile picture for Now&Me member @kunalk23

Kunal Kumar @kunalk23

I get it

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Just calm down and relax and try to avoid or stop thinking about him and focus more on yourself and move on in life.


If u wanna DM , u can talk

Profile picture for Now&Me member @finest_energy

Nguyen @finest_energy

Remember, there’s always a good part in every bad human


To yaha ke post kr bebe… Utha lathhh or de mar uski ridh ki haddi p…


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