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β€ΊMental Wellbeingβ€ΊThought

Chris @boredaf123

Ive been on this platform for 3-4 days and realised that there’s a need for β€˜collective move on’ movement. Move on (and away) from toxic people , move on from failures in past, move on from not being able to get closure in friendship, move on from failure in professional life or career . The thing being, it’s something which we are never comfortable with . We don’t like this change and so it’s understandable that we face problems, we fail at doing the right thing and go back to square one and find ourselves stuck. I too am no different . I too have some of these issues in my life which I am currently facing.
What I noticed in replies to the problems and issues are suggestions from fellow people. I want to compile them , as in have a kind of repository wherein our problems be categorized and then there are ways / solutions to those (maybe collected in a blog or articleor series of it) I think this will be helpful for people present on this platform and new joining members too . What do you guys think about it ? Suggestions are welcome, feel free to give your opinion.

1 reply

So trueee


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