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Profile picture for Now&Me member @queenn

Its real good to know your flaws as well as your strength…and its best thing to love yourself , but you need to understand this loving yourself doesn’t mean that you are the best and others are worst…it doesn’t mean you can judge people for their choices, for how there appearance is…it doesn’t mean you should look down on others just because you are feeling good about yourself…if you are doing this you are not loving yourself you are just comparing yourself with others…and you are giving yourself another insecurity that takes alot of time to heal…

Loving yourself simply means that you love yourself in way you are and respect others as they way they are… there is no competition between you and them because both are trying real hard to be themselves everyday…

If you want to compare yourself to someone,
then compare yourself with your past self… and try to be better each day of your life for you not for the others …its okay to feel sad if you are insecure about something…but never ever let others down in the way some people did to you

take good care of yourself and try to love yourself…💜💚💙

- Queen 👑

Profile picture for Now&Me member @queenn
4 replies

Arpit @annonymous_25

I never get that concept of lover yourself

Profile picture for Now&Me member @queenn

It just my perspective of self love

Arpit @annonymous_25

Teach me i really need that

Profile picture for Now&Me member @queenn

I can try


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