Sharing Our Innermost Thoughts

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It’s kinda strange but not unprecedented feeling.
I can’t seem to relax
I don’t know the reason but my head is heavy
There is nothing significant to be sad about but i can’t smile or enjoy anything.
It’s like i don’t want to be seen or talked to. I just want people to forget that i exist. I want to go into oblivion but it’s scary to imagine that.

8 replies

So it’s family or career or relationship issues?


I wish I knew the reason.
Had I knew it , i would have found solution to it by now.


Atleast you would know what the issue in your life is going on


Thanks but i have never really considered my English as Good.
I know i am pathetic at it.
Anyway thanks for correcting me.


And can’t understand whether it’s a compliment or irony.
But i appreciate, whatever it is.


Thanks but i still think there is lot to improve.


This is exactly how I feel right now
I cannot muster courage to talk. I fe extremely weak and vulnerable. I feel i am not good for anything.


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