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If you or somebody you know is currently struggling, please take deep breaths and reach out to somebody. Here are few resources that may help.

Umar Farooque @farooq_21

Itā€™s been 5 years of that darkest period of my life. nd while writing this my innerself is saying ā€˜it wonā€™t help youā€™. But anyway iā€™ll write since itā€™s the first time iā€™m sharing this out.
I donā€™t want to call myself a mental personā€¦no iā€™m not. But i am so frustated of myselfā€¦ I have not been able to do anything in my life since then. Itā€™s like a ghost that haunts me every time iā€™ve tried to do something and move on. The flashback and fake scenarios everytime is what i live with. Itā€™s not that i iā€™ve left every thing. At times when i m under pressure iā€™ve done tasks and moving along with lifeā€¦ But but iā€™ve turned into a a person i never thought of a pathetic personā€¦ Iā€™m lost . And there is some thing like stroke of this trauma that i suffer with .it occurs periodically at interval of some days. When it is at its peak. Iā€™ve already lost many carrer opportunities.nd still getting sucked by it. Its not that i m not alive, obviously people have many responsibilities in life but the repurcursion of this trauma has been turning me to a numb,dead person and my life has no hopeā€¦but iā€™m so done with itā€¦ I donā€™t know how to i fix myselfā€¦but i cannot live this pathetic life where iā€™m drowing more nd more into darkness!

8 replies

Akanksha @anxious_kiwi


I hate to say thisā€¦but psychotherapy might be the way out

Umar Farooque @farooq_21


Ya maybeā€¦but thank u so much for taking out time to read my words

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Umar Farooque @farooq_21


U r right, we do mistake not taking it cautiously when itā€™s in early stageā€¦actually i never thought that with passage of time itā€™s gonna take over me so muchā€¦nd now seems impossible for me to ever recoverā€¦any way thanku so much for ur timeā€¦

crazy_girl šŸ˜Š @tasnim


U r really strong but donā€™t give up u r not depressed but u r really fastreted I understand bcoz sometimes I feel same things but u canā€™t give up stand up & pls fight for all bullā€™shit nd frustration but donā€™t give up remember one thing always chahe koi saath hoya na ho but allahmiya always there with u pls donā€™t loose your self trust your self & allahmiya too.šŸ˜Š

Umar Farooque @farooq_21


Hey thanks a lot 4 ur kind wordsā€¦u r right ultimately thereā€™s one hope that keeps us aliveā€¦

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