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3am ThoughtsThought

Profile picture for Now&Me member @anxius_mizlost

Deleted @anxius_mizlost

It’s an empty life.
Idk what to do
Why do I wake up, only to be miserable and go back to sleep again.
Then wake up again for the same.
No one, no job, no money, no ambition, no love, no way to have it nor to not exist at all.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @anxius_mizlost
4 replies

How old u r

Profile picture for Now&Me member @anxius_mizlost

Deleted @anxius_mizlost

I’m 26, going to be 27 this year

Mathew @yellowfish

This hits so hard. I’ve been feeling this for a while now. Like everyone else is moving at a 100 miles an hour and you just seem to be stuck. You’re not alone, my friend.
Trust, the sun will shine on us again ☀️

Profile picture for Now&Me member @anxius_mizlost

Deleted @anxius_mizlost

❤️🌼 right back at ya my friend


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