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3am ThoughtsThought


It’s all about what you do

The world burning in ashes, so is one’s life,
Doesn’t mean it’s right to get hold of a knife.
Life isn’t always easy, so face it with that mindset,
You have a lot to lose but much more to win, on that I can bet

Face each challenge with a fresh face
Every challenge then you will ace
Keep your head up high and your focus right
You’ll sleep peacefully and happily every night

Every hurdle will teach you a new lesson
Every mistake will make you a better person
Every small success will show you what you’re capable of
Never stop, always keep going on - a mantra you always must be reminded of

Life will always have its ups and downs
Rise up a level higher after every bounce
On every opportunity, with a positive mindset you must pounce
All hurdles that life throws at you, you will then trounce

You’ll get what you want,
And that’ll also be well deserved
The satisfaction that it’ll give you
For life, it will be treasured

Your life is in your own hands
Every decision you take, leads you to where you’ll stand
There’s no limit to the success you can achieve
If in yourself you truly believe

Nothing will stand in your way
No matter come what may
‘I believe in myself’ is all
Your heart should ever say

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