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I’m tired of fighting the battle. Every hour, every minute and every second seems unbearable to me.
Why is that, that some people always get everything served in a silver platter, while others just have to work till the point they get sick and exhausted and yet are rewarded with nothing? Why?

I have gotten to a point where I don’t even want to be alone with my conscience, because I just want to do the things I want and IT’S HOLDING ME BACK! I just sometimes, at least once, want to live my life freely, happily, tension free and just give into my temptations once

Thanks for letting me vent out.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @asim21
3 replies
Profile picture for Now&Me member @asim21

Asim @asim21

Okay, firstly no one’s livin’ happily or freely their lives, everyone has their own set of problems or issues… You just can’t see it and assume that they’re livin’ so good he or she got everything in his or her plate… What you have is what many people dream… Look at the people who just want a roof over their head and food in the stomach…
If you keep looking for problems this life will not be enough for you to blame yourself… There’s always gonna be a problem and thats life my friend… Look for the people who just want to breathe and cannot due to this COVID while you can breathe and live your life…
Stop looking in people’s life and you’ll start loving your life…
Peace 🕊️


That’s a very easy comment to make, to just push everything aside and be thankful. But in reality, it’ way harder to follow through.
When I said that some get served in a platter, and don’t have to work as hard to get whatever they want, I meant it because I don’t know about your life, but there are still in mine who do.
Look, I understand the pout that you are trying to make, but I’m trying my best to be positive and thankful. There always comes a time in almost everyone’s life, that they do want a happy and a free life, and that is what I was trying to vent out, because this is a platform to share your thoughts and feelings.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @asim21

Asim @asim21

Hey, I’m sorry I didn’t mean to hurt your feelings… I was just trying to like show you some positive sides that’s all… I know everyone’s going through enough and they want free lives, I’m glad you shared your thoughts or feelings in here, I’m not judging and I’m no one to do that… You know the battles you fight in your life and no one else… Sorry if you felt something wrong… Didn’t intend to hurt you.


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