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im so tired. i don’t really feel like im living anymore at this point, i only exist. i am a mere shadow of the person i used to be and it’s the worst feeling. i used to be capable of so much more and now i can’t even get out of bed to go shower or brush my teeth. i can’t even reply to my friends, or do my work. im just so tired of my existence.
and i know people go through tough times and are less able to do things, but why does it feel so permanent and lonely?
i can be in a room full of people i love and still feel so alone…

Profile picture for Now&Me member @glitch57
8 replies

Starc @smithstarc

Try reading self help novels… even if you never read any novel before, start now!! They got solution for each and everything.


thank you so much really i’ll go give them a try :)


Why do you think this happened to you ? Like any breakup or something?


there were a quite a few things that happened actually. i lost my mom about two years ago and a very close friend of mine committed last year. there were also incidents where people took advantage of me, and i was positive i sorted out those problems but now im not so sure. i had a bad breakup but that was quite a while ago. i think i miss him as my best friend more than anything but i know im better off without him


Tbh I don’t know what I should say. Life is a mixture of joy and grief. There’s always up and downs But, keep this in mind “this too shall pass” these things will pass they are not here to stay, hold on buddy, you are not alone, you are lovable, we all are here for you, you are stronger than you know. It’s okay to feel not okay, try engaging in something which keeps your mind busy, we’ll get over this, I promise. Love ya🤍

Profile picture for Now&Me member @glitch57

Wallflower @glitch57

If you want to connect I’m here!🤍


Hey beautiful soul, I can understand ur feelings. Let me tell what I do in these kinda situations, I just sit alone in a room to talk to God or sleep. U can try this too… And if this doesn’t work, then share everything with me. I’ll try my best to console u


thank you so much, i really appreciate it


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