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Mental HealthThought


I’m sad
I’ve always thought that it was better if I was dead, I can’t learn like everybody else, it takes me so much time, my mind doesn’t come out with good ideas, sometimes I feel like I’m just a burden to my family and friends, I keep wondering, why do they even love me? I don’t have good things to offer, I’m dumb, slow, I can’t think quickly, I’m not pretty, I’m 21 and I am not even sure if the career I’m currently studying is the one for me, but I don’t want to quit because my parents are the ones that have been paying, and my friends are the ones that have been helping me out with everything I don’t understand, Honestly, I think life would be so much easier without me, but I wouldn’t dear to take away my life, in the end, I know that I’m not just living for me, and it sucks sometimes because I’m so tired, I want to stop thinking negatively, but I don’t know how to, every day there is this voice in my head that keeps reminding me that I’m just a worthless human being

Anyway, to whoever reads this, I’m sorry, and thanks for listening

Profile picture for Now&Me member @avtar
Profile picture for Now&Me member @st1199
Profile picture for Now&Me member @sravya
7 replies
Profile picture for Now&Me member @avtar

Avtar @avtar

Hey hey hey listen
Don’t be disheartened you know why

Profile picture for Now&Me member @avtar

Avtar @avtar

I will tell you few spiritual quotes which will help you to know your value.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @avtar

Avtar @avtar

Jesus christ -
We are the living temple of God.

Bibal -
God made man in his own image.

Guru Granth Sahib -
Hari mandir eh sharir h Gyan ratan pargat hoye

Kabir sahab -
Manush janam dulamb h mile na barmbar jyo fal pa k boh gire bahuri na laage dal

Tulsi sahab-
Kudrari kaabe ki tu mehrab m sun gaur se aa rahi dhur se sada tere bulane k liye

And so on there are so many literatures who will help you to understand the value of being human and got a chance to live in the form of human.

Everyone has their own value every one is unique the only thing which help you to know your value is self realisation

Profile picture for Now&Me member @st1199

Simran @st1199

Firstly, you don’t have to be sorry for venting out and we are always there to listen you. :)

If you compare your life with someone else obviously you won’t succeed nor will you be happy in life. Because everytime you try to see why and how low are you compared to others. Is it necessary the thing which you are good at, someone else be too? Or vice versa? NO.
Everyone is good at their own thing, you just need to dig in what it is for you.

It is fine that the career path you are at isn’t suitable for you but in the long run you’ll find one. Everyone does, it’s just for someone its sooner and for others later part in life.
Everything in life does seem to fall apart and sometimes its important to see what are these things which makes us feel that way and how could we fix this, right? Now since you know what all is making you feel drained out you can actually work upon it and you will emerge stronger than before. Research about things, think what would interest you and would want to continue in life, ask friends what they think of you and your capabilities. Everyone and anyone could be of help.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @sravya

seeker_sr @sravya

Hey, I have something to tell you. You are important irrespective of your contribution to society or something bigger. The world kept feeding our brains that we ought to do something and work on something or be creative or intelligent or be anything to live as a decent human being. But let me tell you they are wrong and you are important. You are worthy of your being no matter what your education is, no matter if you are creative enough, no matter if you are pretty. You yourself are beautiful and WORTHY and equally DESERVING as anyone else roaming on the planet.
And, never be sorry for sharing what you are going through. We are here for you and we are proud of you for being strong enough to share your feelings. Isn’t that strength and kindness in you, enough to feel worthy of your existence? I think they sure are enough, stay strong!




Dont be sorry we are always hee to listen for you. Its really not your fault for being like that. Its just how the nature have created you. Im even worse than you. I dont have much friends even just because im not good at talk. Its life . Not everyone is good, not everyone can do everything. Always remember that there are soo many people who thinks you are precious to this world. And im one of them. Stay safe, be happy and be strong.👍


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