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I’m mentally exhausted and fucked up , I regret caring for people who don’t even think or give a shit about me (I regret crying over them) I will never ever find someone I want or love cuz I’m always left out as nothing ( I feel like I’ll go mad or become something worst cuz this is eating me everyday ) and worst part is cannot still forget the I cared soo much ,I’m donee 😭

Profile picture for Now&Me member @candic_candy
Profile picture for Now&Me member @r4gh4v
5 replies

Maybe look for wrong people so things r quite hard so just relax and focus on yourself


Why r u caring for people who are not taking care of u.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @candic_candy

candy @candic_candy

We all went through this atleast once in our life but I hope u will get strong by this and find peace

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Profile picture for Now&Me member @r4gh4v

Raghav @r4gh4v

We all feel exhausted at times… and it’s kind of our nature to highlight the negative aspects of life rather than the positive things… Believe there are so many good people out there with whom you can talk and they will restore your faith in humanity… we live in a mix of good and evil, good and bad. Right now you are feeling lost hence you are looking at the dark side of life and only highlighting the negative things but just take a small break and come back… maybe that will change your perspective and you will again start seeing things as they really are… good luck 🥰


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