Sharing Our Innermost Thoughts

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I’m lost… I don’t know what to feel anymore. I had anxiety attack last night (like a major one) and now I’m just numb. I’ve too much inside of me. I don’t know what to do with my life anymore.

6 replies

hey u wanna vent out?


Yeah Maybe 😞


ASK FOR HELP. There are people all around you that love you with all their heart, tell them, ask for help and be kind to yourself


You can talk about it with your friends or family? Or you can write here what is bothering you.


Friends and family do understand but only to an extent that makes sense to them. The worst part about all of this that I don’t know what am I suppose to tell them.


I can understand. Sometimes we cannot process our thoughts in to words to describe the feeling. You can try to write here, maybe I could help you out.


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