Sharing Our Innermost Thoughts

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I’m kinda new here, and I don’t know where to start about how I have been feeling. I lost touch with my 2 really close friends now I don’t have any.
I have a boyfriend but that is complicated too,
I don’t feel loved or supported by anyone in my life anymore. I’m constantly depressed about my life and it gets really lonely sometimes.
When I try to share what I’ve been feeling people try to misinterpret it or just never understand.

5 replies

I feel you & its the same thing I’m dealing !


Does it get any better? After constantly battling with your mind


No ! I always thought I can cope up with all these things but i thinks its just making it worse ! & I genuinely need help professionally & surround myself with people who are not toxic to me

Jayesh @jayeshb20

We are here to listen you just shar about what you r feeling


Hey let’s help each other, tell me what’s going on in ur mind?maybe we can become frnds.u r just misunderstood.


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