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I’m insecure about my weight & my mom keeps pointing it out. she does the same with other family members and I hate it so much. I’m aware I’ve gain a few but words hurt.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @rainystar65
Profile picture for Now&Me member @anxius_mizlost
5 replies
Profile picture for Now&Me member @rainystar65

Rain @rainystar65

I’m so sorry you’re in a situation, just because someone is mean to a large group equally doesn’t make being mean an okay thing to do. Maybe talk to her about tell her that what she’s saying hurts your feelings and your probably not the only ne considering what the things to other family members. I’m ending this on a positive note. i think you are a beautifully handsome masterpiece and i love you.

Zak Puckett @ztothephour

I know how moms can point at that kind of thing in the simplest worst way…

Chances are shes not gonna remember to stop. A confident “so what?” Type of response, or make that bad kind of reference that will shock her into not asking(not recommended)

My sister and i actually agreed to fat shame eachother for accountability, everyone is different about what things mean and why.

Up to you if you care about your weight. Theres ways to do things accordingly…

…could always blame her cooking

Profile picture for Now&Me member @anxius_mizlost

Deleted @anxius_mizlost

Shaming doesn’t help anyone.
Don’t internalise it what I’ll say. Maybe it’s her own insecurity that she projects on everyone or maybe she is just mean and unempathetic and doesn’t understand how hurtful it can be to shamed constantly. I understand that doesn’t fix your problem. All I’ll suggest for now is you can’t change her and if you’ll talk about it, you’ll have a fight with her and things will get worse (I’m assuming here taking mine into account) so you’ll have to have less time she can say this to you. Maybe listen to music most day until you can’t love outside (this is me assuming, she is also not very caring and loving in and of other parts of your life) and maybe talk to someone who’s particularly in your position, maybe a sister or cousin who understands and can help you figure it out. Or you can just talk to an online therapist who’ll maybe give you ways to not personalise what she says and how to respond etc. Depending on how serious and how much it’s affecting you, kindly look for help online as well and make sure they are sourced from legit doctors and institutions etc.
Sending you love and strength. You can lose your weight or not (till it’s not physically/emotionally disabling you from your normal life) it’s your choice and there is no study that says shaming anyone into losing weight has ever helped. It might help some when it’s their choice but it’s not a tried and tested way and shame is usually the result for so many mental health issues because it is an unhealthy behaviour. It is rarely shaming is useful tool in any setting especially interpersonal.
Take care my friend. I hope you have some peace and some help. Stay safe!


thank you so much🥺❤


You’re very welcome my friend.
Take good care


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