Sharing Our Innermost Thoughts

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Mental HealthThought


Im felling i have lost everything … i need clinical help … but for that i cannot talk to my parents

3 replies

I know how it feels… is there someone else you could talk to in ur family or friends?? Maybe that would help…


Hi…Thank you for sharing.
I hear you. I understand how you feel.

Believe in yourself. Be kind to yourself. Love yourself.

You’re resilient.
You’re powerful.

You can get through anything you set your mind to.
I’m so proud of you for seeking help. Take your time. You can tell them how you feel. Have faith in yourself and them to understand you. Trust them.
Be open and honest about everything.

I wish the best for you.
I believe in you.

Loads of love and hugs😇✨

I’m here for you 🥰❤️


hey! i know it can be tough but try convincing your parents maybe :), tell them the advantage of seeing a counsellor or seeing someone. The world is changing maybe they will understand and you wont know unless you do .

All the best!


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