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β€ΊMental Healthβ€ΊThought

Maxwell mason @oipadre

Im feeling sad
Ive been feeling so sad and alone for 2 years i have noone to talk to i know i need help but i dont know my life has been shit so far yk but idk what to say im just done i cant do it no more idk where to go from here i just dont know.

3 replies

Aileen Gamez @aileengamez1


It’s hard to feel like you are worth it. But trust me when I say that you are. Give yourself the chance to live the way that you deserve.

Maxwell mason @oipadre


Idk how i want to live i dont know where to go from here i know its not your problem and you dont care

Luna Vi @lunalady


I feel this way too, it’s hard struggling to find our way in this world, sometimes it feels like there’s no solution when we don’t know where to start… I’m struggling with this too. Something that helps me is writing down what I’m feeling and taking baby steps, doing a small thing is always better than doing nothing. And it’s important not to blame our selves for doing nothing when we need to either. World is crazy rn and it’s ok to feel lost and overwhelmed, we’re not made to deal with this levels of anxiety for so long. You’re not alone. And you have all the right to exist just the way you are. Remember this. You are enough and you are unique. You deserve happiness just like everyone. Don’t ever let someone (even yourself) convince you otherwise. Hope you be ok πŸ’•


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