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Im feeling really down. I just came back from my psychiatrists appointment and found out I have to manage to keep taking my college classes even though my anxiety disorder has been out of control lately.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @almighty
2 replies
Profile picture for Now&Me member @almighty

Talk to me!! Tell me everything, what happened.


Thank you!
So last Friday I had an oral exam but I completely freaked out while I was preparing for it. I could not stop crying. The day after, I had a test and i woke up at like 5 because I was scared of taking it. I ended up taking a Xanax pill (which I’ve been prescribed by my psychiatrist) and I didn’t go because I felt too dizzy. Since then, I was not able to go out of my room and I spent most of my days in my bed in the dark. I’ve had several breakdowns and it’s really hard. I also haven’t been able to eat since Friday, except some cookies and a sandwich on Monday. Today I went to my psychiatrist and he only prescribed me more Xanax pills (2 times 0.25 mg every day). I feel quite ashamed of myself and lonely because I feel like I’m acting ridiculous. I have many friends who support me and I used to have really good grades. But now I feel unable to cope. My parents live in another city and I’m at a prestigious college so they think I should stay there.


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