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Social AnxietyThought

If you or somebody you know is currently struggling, please take deep breaths and reach out to somebody. Here are few resources that may help.

I’m feeling empty and sad, and its creeping up lately and it get worse and worse, I keep getting these moments of anxiety where I cannot breathe or thi g and theres this feeling in my throat down to my heart that makes me feel like I want to just not exist.
Not existing is a feeling I keep wanting, I mean it’s not all bad I have ups but then its followed by a massive down and anxiety. I feel like I’m not in control of myself of my mind or me. I’m angry and frustrated and lonely and I struggling to get through the days. And noone knows, I wouldnt tell them, i couldnt burden them with me. And then theres the shittty people that want you to fit into their expectation of normal of fun of friendship, as if my primary goal is to keep everyone happy and listen to their problems-- they suck, everyone sucks leading, which makes me feel like I want to be alone, but the more alone I am, the more alone I feel, which again fuels the cycle.
I just wanna know if it gets better or if it changes or is this it… all I’ll feel the great expansive nothing?

1 reply

Yes it changes and it does get better… you just need to trust yourself…
If there is something that is bothering you. Let it out… Try to take up an activity like reading or going for a walk, it surely helps especially during the times when you are feeling down…
You do not have to make anyone happy except yourself… focus on yourself


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