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Iā€™m fatā€¦and I own itā€¦but itā€™s not to say I donā€™t have difficult days

I have a brother who is super athletic and when he lies down to rest in the late eveningsā€¦my parents donā€™t even seem to botherā€¦on the other hand if I just lay my body flat anywhere they immediately ask me to stop being lazy and say this is the reason I keep getting fat
Note: I keep myself active by playing badminton and itā€™s not like I lie down all the time.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @insidemyheart
Profile picture for Now&Me member @catastrophe
5 replies

Itā€™s ok. Life has some good days and some bad days too ā€¦and Iā€™m happy to hear that you love yourself just the way you areā€¦as u said u own it ā€¦

Profile picture for Now&Me member @insidemyheart

Hi there!

itā€™s okay to feel that way but surely it takes some time to improve ourselves. I donā€™t know how to say this but fat people are also attractive! Donā€™t think too much about what people say to you because you know yourself better than them :D


Itā€™s totally alright to be fat ā€¦ What I mean is Iā€™m am fatt too . But yk what ā€¦ I know that I have to workout to get slimmer and have a cool Summer body but then ik Iā€™m lazy and I donā€™t wanna workout ā€¦ So I just donā€™t take any of the comments seriously šŸ˜‚ as long as youā€™re enjoying your life and you are happy ā€¦ Donā€™t let anyone ruin it for you !!


Hey my friend. How was your day? Hope it went great. Kudos for you to accept you as you are. Thatā€™s a great self love. And people stay stuff like these out of care and affection without knowing it hurts you. Itā€™s like the thorns in the rose. But always try to find the root cause and change it if needed. I donā€™t want to tell words that will make you feel better only for now. Self love is important but we must know what self love is. The misconception of it being live however you are is very dangerous. Know your body. There are apps and scales to weigh and give yourself the fat and muscle content of your body. Try those out! Donā€™t get athletic but try to get rid of the fats it is dangerous! Hope you donā€™t take it in wrong way my friend!
~ SKRāœØ

Profile picture for Now&Me member @catastrophe

everyone has different body structure. if youā€™re happy with the body shape you have and as long youā€™re healthy. you shouldnā€™t listen to your parents and overthink. remember emotional health is as important as physical health.


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