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Mental HealthThought


I’m at a lose again I’m stressed from school and sports and my mental health is everywhere, I’m going to my moms soon and me and her have a bad relationship so too she chose a drug addict over seeing me for over 9 years and none of her family has ever put in effort, I’m in a failing relationship with some I do love but it’s not the same anymore i feel as if I’m just not happy in that relationship anymore, I also feel like I’m falling in love with someone else who does make me feel happy, they are the only person who can make me laugh the only person who actually sees me for who I am and always see when I’m down and will always be there for me, sorry for this ramble this is all kinda new to me I needed to get this off my chest

2 replies

Better you try to engage yourself with something useful for your career, I know it would sound obvious but there is no other way. I’m also trying to fight the same situation from last 10 years.


I want to be a teacher so I can’t do anything till I graduate


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