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Self HarmThought

If you or somebody you know is currently struggling, please take deep breaths and reach out to somebody. Here are few resources that may help.

i’m almost 1 month clean but i’m thinking of sh again and I don’t want to but the urge to do it just keeps increasing. I really wish I could talk to my mum about this stuff but she would just get mad at me I think. That also rules out getting professional help since most of the time, you’d need parents approval for that. My friends are dealing with their own shit rn so I just don’t know who to talk to. If anyone has any advice, please share it. I would really appreciate it.

3 replies

Just keep yourself busy. And think that if you do it, then it would hurt others more than you. So for them, don’t do it. I know it’s very hard to not do it, but you can! I haven’t done it for almost a year and I know you are stronger than me


thank you for the advice. I haven’t relapsed yet thankfully. I’ll try to be strong. But you stay strong too okay?


As long as you stay strong I’ll also stay strong


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