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Profile picture for Now&Me member @chosenone

Aman @chosenone

If she isn’t talking about your future kids after a few dates, it isn’t gonna last bro.


Women (The Quality Ones) Have an extremely low body count.

Hence, whenever she’s with a man- hopefully you- she gets attached quite quickly.

And that’s how it should be- you are irresistible.

And after sleeping with her ONCE, she should be talking about kids.

Ideally, she will already be dreaming about naming the kids and whatnot.

It’s an incredibly feminine and beautiful thing to witness- How a Woman deeply in love just wants to have your seed and nurture your kids.

So, if that’s not happening, she’s either not the right kind of woman (high body count) or you’re not the right kind of man (Average)

Either way- it isn’t gonna last bro.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @scatteredsoul
Profile picture for Now&Me member @uhm_unknown
Profile picture for Now&Me member @chosenone
4 replies
Profile picture for Now&Me member @scatteredsoul

S.K... @scatteredsoul

You are wrong on so many levels men… don’t know where to start

Profile picture for Now&Me member @chosenone

Aman @chosenone

You are already scattered. Your opinion won’t be useful here.


Hahhahah… may be you have only been with low quality women that’s why you know this much… may be because you cannot afford a high quality women…

Sorrows sorrows… there there

Profile picture for Now&Me member @uhm_unknown

lish @uhm_unknown

It’s totally false
If a woman doesn’t talk about having your kid that doesn’t mean she is high body count or the man is average
It could simply mean that the girl isn’t really thinking about having kids or the man isn’t thinking about it either
In love people don’t always talk about the future sometimes they just enjoy the present


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