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Mental HealthThought


If anyone is going through any mental health related issues you can mention them in the comments I will try to answer them as correctly as I can.

8 replies

Hello m not sure if I hav mental condition or its juz bad phase. But its been almost 2 years… m always low on motivation, exhausted, n filled with negative thots. Also when I analyse d situation after reacting… I mostly feel I overreacted n was too emotional. Can these traits suggest anything


It think you have a problem of overthinking and also you tend to degrade yourself and hence all these problems occur
Solution of this is start seeing your good traits and work more on it and train your mind that you are the best in the lot and for your over thinking problem is that just try to do the first thing that comes to your mind don’t give it an extra thought and after that work is done keep your mind engaged in other things so your mind won’t have time to overthink

Just try to trick your mind according to you and you will start to feel the change


Thanks dear… i shall put it to practice… tc


I have a severe case of depression and anxiety and post 2020 probably ptsd as well. I’ve started on medication but it’s such a torture with all the side effects… I had depression and anxiety in the past and have experienced the same problem with medicines. If you could suggest some alternative remedies it would be great.


The main remedy is to train your mind daily to fill it up with all the positive thoughts as much as you can
I understand it will be very difficult for you but just try this thing and gradually increase the timing of this and you will see the changes in yourself.


It’s just that I feel out of control. I hate to be this way but am unable to help myself. It’s EXHAUSTING


I get what you are saying
Try engaging your mind in some kind of work on daily basis just don’t make your mind exhaust you instead use it in a productive way that it gets exhausted and can no longer create those negative chain of thoughts


Will try… And hey, thanks for listening :)


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