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idk what to do anymore tbh. one of my friends said her mum had covid so she has to isolate and all that. and then our other friend said she had this faint line on her covid test (the faint line was on positive). and she said that she had covid the day after the other friend said that her mum had covid and we’re in like a trio group yk? and i had to be alone at school for a good 5 days spending my break in the toilets. And I DONT even know if she lied about that or not because the girl who said she had a faint line on her test already had covid once and before she said she had covid I was with her on the weekend and she never said anything. i was with her for 4+ HOURS. And it’s really confusing. tbh i don’t even know what im gonna do when they come back to school.

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Hey just clam yourself down and see what actions you need to take to be able to fix this situation! And then do it


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