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I wish I could be as pretty as literally every other girl in my school, like how are they so pretty. I always treat myself poorly bc of that and I wish I could eat what ever I want but I can’t bc if I do I know I’ll regret it.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @aamnaali
13 replies

dont be upset on what people think of you and also you are just perfect the way you are and it never matters how they think of you its all about your acceptance of yoursrlf


I’ve been trying, but it’s so hard


trust the process it will not be hard after this… once you accept yourself


I have tried. I always end up believing what people say around me. I try to block them out, but just all the things that I’ve been though in the past make me hate myself more and more.


you must accept that your happiness is in what manner you think…not for others tought

Profile picture for Now&Me member @aamnaali

aamna ali @aamnaali

You are pretty. Just know this in your heart. Nothing in this world can take that away from you


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