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I wish all the pain comes to an end.
Last few years has been hell for all of us.
My mother is going through a rough patch. She just had a major surgery.
My father being an alcoholic, talking rubbish when he’s drunk and ganging up with his mother against my mother, she’s being very cornered for every single happening thing.
I really wish he understands my mother. Stops drinking. And both live a happy life.
I really wish this comes to an end.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @kharthika
2 replies
Profile picture for Now&Me member @kharthika

Kharthika @kharthika

I wish the same!❤💫 I hope God gives strength to your mother to handle all these.


It must be very difficult for you to see your Mom and Dad going through this hard time. I hope your Mom is okay. You can try to help your Dad stop drinking by persuading him to go to Alcoholics Anonymous or to show him what he’s losing through drinking and what he could gain by stopping. I know it’s very hard and it’s really easy to lose patience with someone in that situation. If your Dad doesn’t stop drinking then cut ties with him. I know that divorce has a lot of stigma attached to it and you also mentioned that they gang up on your Mom, it is better for you and your Mom to leave them. You and your Mom don’t deserve a toxic environment which is ruining your mental health. Things have been hard enough during COVID.


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