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Child AbuseThought

If you or somebody you know is currently struggling, please take deep breaths and reach out to somebody. Here are few resources that may help.

I was Sexually Assaulted by my cousin and his dad separately multiple times. Sad to see them around regularly unfortunately no one knows other than me. Never through a brother would do such thing to a sister.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @hitaishi
21 replies

You shouldn’t tolerate it. Please speak up for yourself. If not for you atleast for the sake that they won’t do it with others.


My parents not only them but the whole family knowing about my uncle “just trying to make a move” When everyone was asleep during Christmas 3 years back but none of them know he did something worse and i realized it only a few years back. And about my cousin, he’s done it many times in my own freaking house as i was small and didn’t understand anything.


I can understand. I feel sorry for you. It’s so disheartening that girls are not safe even with their own family.

Do you want to connect and talk about it ?


Yeah that’s what sucks lol we are not safe with the people who are supposed to keep us safe and fine.


That’s so true. But I don’t think you should leave them to be free and i seriously don’t know a way too.


Yep wish could expose them already but thinking about their family i can’t. But shouldn’t they be the one thinking about family before doing it lol


I think they deserve it and do you wanna talk in dm ?


Sure drop your id


Hey you there? Let me know when you are online I’ll drop





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My family knows about my uncle “just trying to make a move” And not the whole thing where he did something worse. And no one knows about my cousin either. I was pretty young then didn’t understand anything (I’m 19 now)


Heyy i know it’s hard to speak up but you should they are blackmailing you ?? They have no right say no nd try to collect evidence so you can even file case against them but pls don’t keep quite 🥺


No they’re not blackmailing me and as much as i want to i can’t file a case against them smh

Profile picture for Now&Me member @hitaishi

Hitaishi @hitaishi

You have to speak up for it to your parents.
Please trust me. I have been through sexual assault and it’s bad when you don’t address the issue with your parents. They will help you in every possible way.

Please go and talk to them about it. Your loved ones will help you and you are not alone in this.


My parents know about it but not the whole truth and idk how to tell them. They just know the part where he tried to SA me. yep they don’t know that he already sexually assaulted me previously.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @hitaishi

Hitaishi @hitaishi

Tell them. You have to tell the whole story.


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