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I was rejected from a nursing school I applied to. I don’t want to tell my parents cause of how they will react. I’m very tired and very sad with my life in general and I’m only 18. I feel like everyone is moving except me. My heart is overwhelmed and empty at the same time. I want to live happily and freely that’s why I’m still here, but everyday I wonder if it will ever happen. I keep trying to get out of this depressed state. I’m afraid of telling my doctor, cause she might tell my parents. I’m 18, but I’m always worried, I know I have anxiety but I can’t tell anyone. That’s why I’m here. I don’t know what to do I want to be happy

2 replies

Aster Flores @lee10

I understand my friend, it is okay to feel stuck in life and it is totally normal to feel that way when you are in your 18. Im 24 and sometimes I feel stuck as well. Talk to people close to you, like real and good friends or your doctor, your doctor is not supposed to say anything to your parents unless you are trying against your life or harming yourself. If you talk to your doctor and ask him/she to not say anything he/she have to respect that unless you are in danger or something like that, in that case your doctor have to do something immediately for your own good, besides that he/she have to respect.

Dont be afraid to tell your parents about that rejection, it is okay and you still have more opportunities in life, enjoy your journey and learn from every experience 🤍 I know you will find your way to be accept it, life works in mysterious ways, good luck my friend! And don’t let bad thoughts consume you


Thank u for opening up about it here that itself is great courage, I can feel you buddy, feeling this way is something almost unavoidable in our time and age, the pressure and expectations are so high especially at your age so go easy on yourself my friend and know that life is full of second chances even if seems like the end trust me another better door opens up eventually for you so don’t compare your journey to others because yours is perfect in its own way, I suggest you prioritize your well being and open up to your doctor because after all they are the professional and your infos will be safe with them so you don’t have to worry about them telling your parents, lastly I want you to know that regardless of what you achieve or don’t achieve in life it doesn’t take away nothing from your worth because your worth goes way deeper than that! I believe in that and I believe in you 💕


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