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I was in a really really toxic friend circle earlier. I was always there for them but it felt like they I was not really important for them. They only approach me for plans and trips but never texted or called if not. I was always the one to approach them. It was so bad like I have cried so many times over them.
Now I have moved on. But still when I see them not realising what they have done to me I feel like these ppl are so selfish like how can they be so clueless about how they caused so much pain to someone.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @sreejit
Profile picture for Now&Me member @_katie__29
Profile picture for Now&Me member @zuxu
Profile picture for Now&Me member @hxna_
6 replies
Profile picture for Now&Me member @sreejit

SREE @sreejit

Left already ?? So don’t need to think now

Profile picture for Now&Me member @_katie__29

Rhea @_katie__29

Just forget them thinking that they don’t deserve you anymore after all you kept your self esteem aside and went up to them but if they can’t respect that just move on…

Profile picture for Now&Me member @zuxu

Zuxu @zuxu

if you see them not realising, you were with the wrong people. The fact that you should accept if they never cared about you, cz if they did, they would’ve felt and realised what you were meant to them. so why do you care what they think? a snake will always bite no matter what good you feed.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @hxna_

Hana @hxna_

Forget them buddy , they dont deserve u ✨️


If they made you feel like that then they are not your true friends only, be happy that you have moved away from them, next time choose your friends wisely…


They don’t deserve you!


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