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3am ThoughtsThought


I want to share my life’s incident which occurred 4 years ago , i was in boarding school and boys and girls were never allowed to talk in that schools , classes were also different, I liked one girl but never approached due to the rules but luckily in board exams my seat came next to her. I was top scorer in my class and she actually was not into study and also was about to fail but i helped her in every subjects and she actually passed in every subjects. After results I gathered courage and messaged her but was not able to tell her my feelings directly so I told other girl of class to tell her and Guess she happened to be enemy of that girl . Now the girl I was liking immediately blocked me for that reason and I insisted her best friend very much to please just talk to me once. She unblocked me for a day and said that please don’t try to reach me ever and said sorry and thank you. I still am not over her and still wish to be her friend but respecting her saying I am not approaching her but hoping someday she will unblock me

Profile picture for Now&Me member @fiana
Profile picture for Now&Me member @lou_lu
11 replies
Profile picture for Now&Me member @fiana

Fiana @fiana

Well sometimes, we are taken away from things only to be given the best. Hang in there, someone who actually happens to deserve you will eventually show up :)


Hoping towards that 🤞🏻,I literally am not the person who wants someone beautiful, i really want an understanding partner 🥺



Profile picture for Now&Me member @lou_lu

Often the things won’t go the way you want them to. What you can do is learn from your mistakes and never repeat them again. And I also want you to know that often the people we chose to be with aren’t the people we expected/wanted them to be. Never harm yourself with negative thoughts or guilt because of how things turned out. Accept them, learn from them, become stronger.
You should let her go in my opinion. Find the strength to continue your life and not let the burden from the past hold you back.
And one last thing. We lose a lot of things, but after that we are given something better.

Good luck, I hope everything goes okay for you.


Thank you so much for thoughts , I was and will definitely try to forget her and be on my own.


Sounds like you’re still in school/college. It’s okay, the feeling is natural. Things didn’t quite turn out the way you hoped them to, but don’t dwell on what could’ve been too long. There’s still a long way to to and a lot of experience to come. Keep moving forward.

Maybe someday your paths will cross again and you may get a chance to clarify things, but even if they don’t, you’ll still have a lot more coming to you. Good luck!


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