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I want to feel beautiful. I don’t know how to. And I want so badly to have nice clothes but I can’t afford them, because I have to buy the groceries. And no one will hire me for a job. I’ve applied to so many job ads but I haven’t gotten any response back. Everytime I go somewhere J have scrappy or baggy clothes or jeans that are losing their elastic or clothes you can tell are old.
I don’t know what to do.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @hayleyl
9 replies

Save some money sister, And you don’t really need some expensive clothes and things with you in order to be Beautiful, Just buy something cheap that can make you look Good, Buy some cheap makeup. Even if its cheap it can still be use as something like those expensive things right? And also buy something to fix your hair some nail polisher if you wanna feel beautiful 😆. And btw you don’t really need to look good outside in order to be beautiful :)) you’re beautiful just the way you are, You are not really ugly, Society is. There’s still alot more i wanna say but this should be enough, back to study :))

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Wherever u are there must be a local shopping place like Sarojni in delhi. Take a day of go to that place u can find jeans for as low as 100 and and 1 shirt, for ur interview it is vv important for impression, think of it as in investment u can get for as low as 200. Any no. Of casual shirt and if it’s 1 style it in different ways to look good everyday.


Feel confident and you go girl ❤️

Profile picture for Now&Me member @hayleyl

Hayley Logue @hayleyl

Thank you! ❤️

Profile picture for Now&Me member @hayleyl

Hayley Logue @hayleyl

Thank you so much ❤️


heyy you are beautiful .
and everything will be better soon
you deserve everything you wished for.
don’t lose hope it will be okay

Profile picture for Now&Me member @hayleyl

Hayley Logue @hayleyl

Thank you so much! I don’t really hear things like this. So thank you ❤️🥺


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