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I turned 24 today…I have never dated. Always focused on my studies, my career…now I am well settled…so Do i login on dating site? Or its to late…or may be wait for arrange marriage proposal…

Profile picture for Now&Me member @nimue
Profile picture for Now&Me member @illu
Profile picture for Now&Me member @monte
Profile picture for Now&Me member @zen_
7 replies
Profile picture for Now&Me member @nimue

Happy birthday to you 🎂

Profile picture for Now&Me member @illu

it @illu

Happy birthday buddy


First of all happy returns of the day
Secondly if you want to explore new people and know and meet new people you can login or start socialising

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Paipai @paipai

Happy birthday 🎂 it’s time you start enjoying ur life first… relationships are not the only thing, there’s so much more…

Profile picture for Now&Me member @monte

Monte boi @monte

Go out grab some drinks you’ve done what everyone is trying, have fun enjoy your day don’t waste your time on dating work for yourself get six packs if you already have try for 8 or bigger chest everything will be with you eventually have a good day 🎈

Profile picture for Now&Me member @zen_

Zenitsu⚡️ @zen_

Happiest Birthday 🤍


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